Weston Applefest, Weston Missouri - October 9, 2015

Every October Weston, Missouri host a fall festival known as the Weston Applefest.  We had heard about the event and decided to check it out.  The highways on the way to Weston seemed pretty busy while we were heading towards town, but we were not prepared for the huge crowd that had been drawn to this event.  The weather was perfect and everyone was prepared to get outside and enjoy a fall festival.  

Our first stop was a farm a couple miles outside of town known as the Red Barn Farm.  As the name suggests, there was indeed a red barn.  The farm was setup to carter to the public, with families in mind.  Along with selling apples and pumpkins, they had many activities that could entertain the whole family.  We chose to wonder around, walking through an apple orchard and seeing what other neat things we could find.

Weston sets along the Missouri River and has a nice state park near town.  We ventured into the Weston Bend State Park.  The park featured some wonderful wooded areas, with walking trails.

Traffic was still thick when we decided to venture into town to see the main festival.  We made our way towards town and found parking along a side street several blocks from downtown.  Parking was tough to find, with cars parked at every available location.  We walked towards the festival, walking by a winery and brewery along the way.  We finally ventured into a well preserved downtown area, the host to the Weston Applefest.  Admission was donation, which we gladly supported the community.  Walking through the festival, we were greeted by a huge crowd.  The main street had several blocks worth of local shops and craft vendors.  A block off Main street was our destination, food trucks and food vendors.  The food selection was great.  One of the local churches was serving apple dumplings, which were amazing.

Weston Applefest is definitely a destination worth venturing to.  We will put it on our calendar to visit again.